Friday, October 10, 2014

Protein Shakes and all about it!

Hi guys! It's Natalie back again to tell you about protein shakes today. 

For the people who are unsure of what protein shakes are, they are powdered forms of protein such as soy or whey with extra flavor added and you blend it with milk or water. It looks like milkshake which is where the name “protein shake” comes from. Many people take protein shakes to help building muscles or to lose weight.

To begin with, why does your body need protein?
Protein is an essential nutrient required to build new cells. Every cell and organ in your body including muscle, skin, hair and connective tissue contains and need protein.
You can absorb protein from whole food such as meat, fish, poultry and eggs. However, getting the entire required intake is impossible unless you eat six or more times a day. Hence, protein shakes are suggested for people who desire aesthetics.

So the question comes down to whether protein powders really work or not.
The obvious answer is yes. However, it is a supplement to help you achieve your goals. Just drinking the shakes will not help you build the muscles. You need a well-planned out workout schedule along with healthy diet. Then you will achieve your goal in no time!

Be fit, Be happy!

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