Sunday, October 12, 2014

Healthy Sleeping Habit

Hi guys, Shadeed here with some more fitness tips. Today I am going to talk about sleeping habits. This is quite crucial in maintaining fitness. Who doesn't like to sleep? I know I do but can too much of it be good for your fitness? Definitely not.
You know what they all say: Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.

Now I don't know about the wealthy and wise bit, seems like there’s a lot of other factors involved in it but what I do know is that a well maintained sleeping cycle helps you remain fit and maintain fitness. Maintaining healthy sleeping cycle in order keeps your – 
  • active lifestyle in order 
  • hence appetite cycle in order 
  • hence the digestive system in order as well.

If you don't already have a healthy sleeping cycle, now considering these factors ask yourself that if you were to maintain a healthy sleeping cycle would you be more fit?
The answer is yes my friend. Don't fall into the hands of bedtime procrastination, go to bed in time. Don't fall into the hands of laziness, wake up in time. Let’s not stop there, after waking up maintain a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you eat healthy, sleep healthy and workout healthy. Through these steps achieving fitness is easy.
That’s all for now people. Hope you have enjoyed all the posts.
Be fit, be happy.   

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Core strength!

Hi guys, Mitomo from mnbks Fintess =]

How many people have been working out their core muscles?
Or even know how to or why?
Working out your core muscle is boring, you cannot see the result as you do for upper body and lower body, however, it is the most important muscle to work on.
Plank or Bridge
Side plank

The key role of the core is to support the upper body, primarily to prevent injury to the spinal column. The spine is an amazing design with each joint allowing about four degrees of movement. If the muscles are not strong enough, the body may well push the boundaries of this limited range. If the limits are exceeded too much and/or too often, it can cause damage to the ligaments, facet joints or disc between the vertebra.

So how do you work on your core?

Few ways of working out is as followed:

Just tighten everything up
Get into the habit of tightening up all the muscles around your abdomen and stomach 10 times a day. Create cues, like the phone ringing or every time you have a drink of water to contract the muscles.

Plank or Bridge 
This involves holding the body rigid and parallel to the floor, keeping everything from shoulders to ankles in a straight line. Start lying on your stomach then push up onto your toes and elbows, keeping your body straight. I do this when watching TV. Instead of sitting on the couch, I’ll lie on the floor and each time an ad comes on I’ll do a plank for as long as I can. You’ll realise how long the ad breaks are when you do this!

Side Plank
This is similar to the plank except you are on one elbow and the outside of one foot. Hold your body in a straight line for as long as you can and make sure you do both sides.
Working on these three is a good start to strengthening your core muscles. Just a few minutes each day can make the difference and could potentially prevent you from experiencing the sort of pain my friend is going through. It is a lot easier to do these before you get a sore back, so don’t wait until something starts to hurt.

Be fit, Be happy =]